Utkarsh Dwivedi is a final year PhD Candidate in the Information Studies PhD program at University of Maryland, College Park (UMD). He obtained his Bachelors in Design in 2015 from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) at Guwahati. His current research focuses on Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence, Participatory Machine Learning, and Accessibility and has won awards at IEEE VL/HCC and at the flagship HCI conference, ACM CHI. He is a Research Assistant at the Intelligent Assistive Machines (IAM) lab at UMD led by Dr. Hernisa Kacorri and Dr. Elizabeth Bonsignore, the Director of KidsTeam at UMD.
Here is his CV.

Intelligent Assistive Machines (IAM) Lab
Ph.D Student, College of Information, Aug 18 - Now
Started my final year of Ph.D in 2024, advised by Dr. Hernisa Kacorri. My interests are in explainable AI and accessibility.

SplashLearn (StudyPad Inc.)
Game Designer and Sofware Engineer, Sept 17 - Jul 18
I led a team of designers and subject matter experts that design games for learning math. We design and develop for student in Grade 1 to 5, for topics strongly aligned to Common Core standards. We are also exploring ways to sequence our existing worksheet products to adapt for different learning styles.

IBM Reseach Lab
Software Engineer, July 15 - Sept 17
Using AI technologies in Education and HCI domains making math word problems easier to understand for students via their automatic visualizations, improving usability of eye tracking technology, combining eye tracking and a ective computing for novel captcha systems. Our work with Sesame Street tackles the problem of early childhood vocabulary learning using novel machine learning algorithms. These projects have resulted in multiple patents and publications.

Embedded Interactions Lab and Nokia Research
Student Researcher, July 14 - April 15
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Keyur Sorathia I developed interactive wearable devices with connected sensors for improving mental health of dysthymic geriatric patients. Domain research on disabilities, literature review on persuasive design and cognitive behavior therapies. Resulting in an Android smart watch app, that collected ecological momentary assessment based data from an electrodermal sensor response triggered mechanism.

Department of Computer Science, Indian Institute of Technology Gandhinagar
Visiting Researcher, May 14 - July 14
Under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Anirban Dasgupta I designed and developed a system that utilizes Latent Dirichlet Allocation, clustering techniques and crowdsourcing to make sense of environmental compliance data from government sources in order to give better recommendations to a ected farmers and NGO experts hence generating awareness of the compliance conditions. The system is currently in use, and resulted in a publication.

University of Maryland (UMD), College Park
Ph.D Student, College of Information, Aug 18 - current
GPA: 3.77/4